Initially for Scotland, Edinburgh hosted the inaugural of Edinburgh International Fashion Festival, 2006. World wide renowned designers Vivienne Westwood, Matthew Williamson and Jonathan Saunders embellished the runway with their makings. The biannual event is a remarkable market place for couture retailers.
The four-day festival promoted an enlightened programme of fashion events including captioning catwalk shows and display for upgraded design and blooming talent. Scottish designers were given the way to bring their talents to the attention of a mass audience.
The festivals provided a good time to attend previews of upcoming collections and talks by leading designers and fashion experts.
Photographic retrospectives and themed film screenings also provided insights into the heritage and social impact of the fashion industry.
It is seen that we’ve all overwhelmed to Olympic fever for the past two weeks. As it comes to an end, it’s been the track stars that have taken our mass attention with verbal swoosh of fluorescent green breaking across our screens for the Gold. Complete Gratitude to Nike and their new Volt Collection.
The collection offers footwear fits for sprints, distance, field and marathons. Nike’s Flyknit Racer pointed in making an Olympic-sized brunt with the fashion crowd, with Terry Richardson and Bazaar’s own managerial editor Kristina O’Neill spotted in the neon kicks. The design is engineered to be lightweight and glistening, perfect for your daily run and loud enough to grab attention.
Date(s): 16 August 2012 to 19 August 2012
Address: Studio 622, Summerhall, 1 Summerhall (Causeywayside), Edinburgh EH9 1PL
Telephone: +44 (0) 84 5874 3001