BRICS Fashion Summit: A Platform for Innovation and Cultural Exchange

The BRICS+ Fashion Summit is the most important international meeting intended for the encouragement and development of fashion from newly emerging countries. It combines over 100 developing and developed nations within the basic structure of the BRICS Alliance. As a result, the summit was a catalyst for conceptualizing the establishment of the BRICS International Fashion Federation (BRICS IFF). Cross-cultural relations and narration on a new fashion world talent is the primary focus of the BRICS International Fashion Federation. Over 50 fashion weeks support the BRICS IFF around the globe. More than 40 designers from BRICS countries, including India, shall present their collections at the event.

The BRICS Fashion Summit is scheduled to take place in Moscow from October 3-5 2024 and is going to look promising with the participation of top designers from India, Russia and other BRICS countries. The summit will focus on the promotion of cultural interaction through fashion and the multifaceted nature of world fashion.

Cultural Exchange and Collaboration. As a follow-up to a resolution from last year’s BRICS Summit between India and Russia, this summit centers on promoting designer exchanges. The structure of the summit is purposefully broad to allow for maximum creativity and flexibility suitable to make it easier for people to propose and make use of teh new ideas that are presented.

Sustaiable Practices and Eco-Innovation. The conference focuses on sustainable fashion by paying attention to the use of eco-friendly materials and ethical fashion practices.

Author: Fashion Events

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