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Chew chew chew and chew more gum to lose weight…..
Hey all you models, exciting news for you….now losing weight or say controlling from gain more weight is made much more easier…
I’m sure most of us including me were not aware of this fact that Experts have already been often recommending chewing gum when you get a food craving instead of chewing sweet biscuits and other junk food. As this small piece of gum is an excellent substitute of cookie anyways.
Recently medical research, taking the concept much further have discovered, by producing a gum that contains an ingredient which makes you feel full so you won’t eat and hopefully will lose weight.
The hormone called PYY, suppresses appetite. How it works is by being released in your bloodstream when you eat big meals, this makes your hunger die and you tend not to eat much, in rest of the day. So be ready, the easy way out is soon coming up….
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