London Fashion Week ends with new self-assurance

London Fashion Week drew to a shut Tuesday after five days of shows that commentators said marked a new maturity for the occasion in spite of a few catwalk tumbles and the odd naked model.

Three new designers were added to this season’s official schedule and one hatmaker sent his models out nude, proving that London remains the courageous younger sibling to the New York, Paris and Milan fashion shows.

The gravity of the event was aided by Monday’s memorial service for the late fashion designer Alexander McQueen, who devoted suicide in February.

The models wore sky-high platform pumps which were obviously hard to walk in — two models had to take away them and one more took an embarrassing tumble.

Classic Burberry ditches were recreated in patent beige, black leather and green snakeskin prints, while soft, bright-coloured shifts and figure-hugging frocks were contrasted with cropped, zip-laden black biker jackets.

The bright colours echoed the neons that have peppered other shows here this weekend, as well as Christopher Kane and the recently returned Giles Deacon.

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