McQueen succeeds posthumous fashion design award

Fashion designer Alexander McQueen, who died last month aged 40, has succeeds a top design award.

McQueen was named one of seven category winners at the Brit Insurance Design Awards 2010 for his newest spring/summer catwalk show.

Paula Reed, judge and style director of Grazia magazine, said the show emphasized the “enormity of his loss”. Other category winners integrated Monterrey Housing, a new model for social housing in Mexico.

McQueen beat other fashion collections, as well as Beth Ditto’s clothing label at Evans, to take the award.

Ms Reed harassed the jury did not give the award to McQueen, who was found dead at his London home on 11 February, for “sentimental reasons”.

She said the video presentation of McQueen’s last show was one of the mainly “compelling” pieces in the awards exhibition at the Design Museum. Amongst the fashion nominees, Alexander McQueen was a clear winner.

McQueen’s winning designs will now struggle for the overall Brit Insurance Design of the Year 2010, to be announced at the ceremony at the Design Museum on 16 March.

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