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Contact roop


  • Photographer Name : roop
  • Gender : Male
  • Company Name : rsphotography
  • Location : delhi , India
  • Info : ROOP SINGH About Us The light comes and goes. What remain are expressions, gestures, postures, the play of light & shade and a profusion of colours - slivers of magic, caught in Roop Singh’s lenses. Not surprising, because he is not just a photographer by profession, but also a photographer by passion. But magic without logic is ephemeral, just like the light. Logic is Roop Singh’s unstinted professionalism. Fashion, advertising or product photography, Roop Singh unfailingly strikes the right balance between the client’s requirements and his own artistic sensibility. Roop Singh has a state-of the-art studio, in the heart of Delhi with a client base all over the world. For foreign clients, he arranges and coordinates the entire shoot - right from models, stylist, locations and costumes to their stay when they visit India. Today, the most prestigious advertising agencies, the best models and avant-gardé designers trust Roop to give them best results. And it shows in his mélange of superlative work. CONT..R.S 08800912269

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