4.8   17 Rating(s)


  • Photographer Name : Anas shamsi
  • Gender : Male
  • Company Name : Anas Shamsi Photography and films
  • Location : New Delhi , India
  • Info : Anas Shamsi is a 24- year- old Fashion and celebrities photographer from New Delhi India, He is into films and photography since 2015, has worked with several NGO, Colleges, Doctors, Prominent models & celebrities. He has worked professionally with a law firm & schools. Also into conceptualizing & directing short films & a member of an NGO, you Can Foundation. He has achieved great heights with his work. The aim of a photographer is to capture moments in a beautiful manner so that they can be cherished for a lifetime.he captures people & give them a lifetime experience. Be it model or be it wedding he has done it all and has got a lot of appreciation for his work. He loves outdoor shoots as they give people a vast number of locations to choose from

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